AUG 1st 2024
Caox´s patended CO2 Capturing Technology, CSAR, successfully passed and fulfilled the predefined requirements of Technology Readiness level 6 (TRL6).
AUG 1st 2024
Caox´s patended CO2 Capturing Technology, CSAR, successfully passed and fulfilled the predefined requirements of Technology Readiness level 6 (TRL6).
Technology readiness levels (TRLs) are a method for estimating the maturity of technologies across different types of technology. The method is a nine-step program used by for instance the EU and NASA.
The TRL6 test is considered a technology demonstration and was conducted over several weeks in July 2024. The test included a hookup to the CO2 rich fluegas at the Waste-to-Heat-Plant BiR in Bergen, Norway.
We thank all contributors in this joint project executed together with BiR, SINTEF and Caox.
Caox will evaluate the results together with SINTEF to establish the best path towards TRL7 and commercialization of CSAR.